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About EC HOME.ASIA菲凡物業投資

EC Home.Asia has been invited as the first batch of companies in Hong Kong by the top 5 developers in the Philippines to cooperate with market partners. Thanks to its founder Don Sir , who have a rich banking background, industry knowledge, and investment experience.

EC Home.Asia 作為全港首批獲菲律賓5大發展商邀請合作的市場夥伴,實有賴其創辦人Don Sir ,他均擁有豐厚銀行背景,行業知識及投資經驗。

Why EC Home.Asia?

The founder has been engaged in the banking industry for many years and has a professional background. They have a deep understanding of property mortgage and can help to obtain mortgage approval efficiently. With the bilingual translation in the whole process, it definitely facilitates people with different backgrounds to join the tours for visiting Philippines property. Besides, the founder is closely related to major property developers, so they can get the first-line real estate information as soon as possible, and quickly understand the market property information, such as the rental return rate in different regions. They would also assist buyers in repossession, renting and placing furniture, so that one can buy and sell properties in the Philippines without any worry, and be the property owner by leasing.

為何選擇EC Home.Asia 菲凡物業投資?



不少港人對菲律賓的印象一般,不過「80後」港人黃良泰在2015年6月以315萬披索(以1港元兌換6.5披索計,相當於約48.5萬港元),買入當地填海區賭場附近新盤SMDC Shore第二期258方呎單位,呎價約1874元,該樓花料於今年11月落成,以同一屋苑第一期同類單位計,每月租金收入料達7000元;而發展商SMDC近日推出同一屋苑第三期單位,呎價已勁升近1.7倍至4986元。

菲律賓政府近年積極發展博彩業,在馬尼拉灣(Malina Bay)附近劃定及開發「娛樂城」專區,打造菲律賓版的澳門賭城,並發出4個賭牌,其中一個由「賭王」何鴻燊兒子何猷龍旗下新濠(0200)子公司新濠博亞奪得,斥資10億美元興建的新濠天地(馬尼拉)賭場休閒度假村已於2015年營業。黃良泰指出,博彩業不單成為菲律賓經濟的亮點,並且更燃點當地樓市牛市,「我覺得何氏家族已經把澳門賭場成功的經營模式引入菲律賓,目前的馬尼拉便好像10年前的澳門一樣,博彩事業、經濟活動及樓市均處於牛市初期」。

菲賭業帶旺 中資單日掃千伙住宅




修橋築路建地鐵 改善基建增效率

對於外資來說,黃良泰指出,菲律賓樓市的最佳投資機會是馬尼拉大都會,因為該首都城市本身已有近2000萬人口,加上杜特爾特上台後更在當地推出「大建特建」(built, built, built)計劃,包括修橋築路興建地鐵,並且在舊區遷拆發展新金融區,以及在現有填海地皮沿海位置進一步填海,若菲律賓經濟維持高速增長,政府的「大建特建」計劃,正好為投資者帶來「大買特買」(buy, buy, buy)的機會。





Don Sir:

Established the first real foreign exchange trading trader training class "Financial Freestyle" in Hong Kong. Over the past two years, it has trained more than 150 foreign exchange trading traders. The number of genuine intelligent foreign exchange trading software (EA) students is the highest in Hong Kong.


In addition to having 10 years and above of experience in the banking and finance industry, Don Sir took the group to the local area for the first time in 2015 and purchased the first SMDC casino entertainment property at an ultra-low price in the same year. In the past 4 years, the property has appreciated by 2 times compared with the current new selling price in the same district, and the reference rental return is 12% p.a. Don Sir observed that the property investment environment in Hong Kong has deviated too much from the genuine investment value. In 2018, he led a group again to bring investors to search for local good-quality properties.




除擁有10多年銀行及金融業相關經驗外,Don Sir 2015年首次帶團到當地考察,並於同年以超低價購入首個SMDC賭城娛樂區物業。4年間,跟現時同區新盤售價比較,已升值2倍,參考租金回報為12% p.a.。Don Sir有感香港物業投資環境已過份偏離實際投資價值,於2018年再次率團,帶投資者搜購當地優質物業。

Don Sir
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